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Pamela K.


"I have been a classroom teacher, learning disabilities specialist, teacher trainer, adjunct faculty for Framingham State College Graduate Overseas Program and am the Director of Special Education Services- a diagnostic and treatment center in Rome, Italy. I have developed instructional programs for the treatment of dyslexia in English, Italian and Portuguese and am the author of several published programs for the remediation of dyslexia and the early identification of learning disabilities. I have dedicated most of my adult life to helping the children - and some adults- and in training teachers to become successful in overcoming dyslexia." 


fee: $60 (for 60 min)
years of tutoring: 10 and more
students tutored: 100 and more
travel distance: 0 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)
member for: 17 years and 7 months
award: apple
references: Andover Public Schools Was head of the learning disabilities staff - and Special Education Administrator 1970-1984


email: on file
phone: on file

Education and Qualifications

school: special education services
certified: Pamela Kvilekval is a certified tutor

BA Simmons College, Boston, MA

MA Goddard College, Vermont

massachusetts state teacher certifications


social studies


special education administrator

Rome, NY 13440
full address is on file

Subjects Tutored

Elementary & Junior High School
Reading (Dyslexia)Study Skills
Special Needs
English as 2nd LanguageItalian
Additional Subjects
Teacher training for the remediation of dyslexia in English or Italian; screening programs for learning disabilities, diagnostic testing