Gail's picture - Tutor in Willits CA

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Why do you need tutoring?

Gail L.

18 or younger years old female

"I enjoy helping students recognize and strive to work to the best of their ability." 


fee: $30 (for 60 min, negotiable)
years of tutoring: 10 and more
students tutored: 10-50
travel distance: 15 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online
member for: 12 years and 8 months
award: apple
references: Angela Hickman, Willits Nan Johnson, Hopland


email: on file
phone: on file

Education and Qualifications

I have taught for over 20 years and tutored many children along the way. Both in public and private education, I have been involved in programs that require strong skills in the teaching of reading, writing and core academics.

Willits, CA 95490

Subjects Tutored

Elementary & Junior High School
Home SchoolingPhonics
ReadingReading (Dyslexia)
Study Skills
General Ed