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Anthony tutors Dan — a fifth grade math student from Plymouth, MA.

63,514 Tutoring Jobssent to

GED in Orlando, FL

Dear Ulises G., I am interested in receiving GED tutoring from you.

Sent by Luis on Friday

Algebra 1 & 2 online

Hi Rodney, Amy Andra gave me you information.

Sent by Lauren on Friday

USMLE online

Are you available to tutor

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Our Newest 1-on-1 Tutors

Zara B. · Masters in Physics

Bahawalpur 63100 · $10/hour · teaches Algebra, Math, Physics, Science, Elementary

Education is the key to success I have completed my M.Phil. program in Physics with major as Medical Physics with 3.8 cgpa. I have an overall on site and online teaching...

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, joined us 4 weeks ago
Nasir · MD in Medicine

Pittsburgh 15213 · $10/hour · teaches Biomedical Engineering, MCAT, Physiology

Graduated with MD degree. With destination in pathology, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology It's Dr Nasir, I can teach you MCAT and USMLE step 1, 2 and 3. "Passionate...

 is a certified tutorRed Apple award Red Apple award, certified, joined us 1 month ago
John Nkengafac

Douala · $15/hour · teaches ACT, Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Applied Math

MSc in Electrical Engineering Bsc In Electrical Engineering A certified Math and Physics tutor with over 8 years teaching experience. I hold a Master's Degree in Engineering.

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, joined us 1 month ago
Dr. Akram · MD in Medicine

Narowal · $15/hour · teaches Aerobics, Anatomy, Biology, Chemistry, Communication

MBBS | MD | ECFMG certified | Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3| I am a Medical graduate from one of the most renowned medical school in Pakistan. I have experience in tutoring since...

 is a certified tutor certified, joined us 2 months ago
Muddasir S. · MD degree

Arlington 22204 · $15/hour · teaches Anatomy, Physiology, USMLE, Virology, NBME

ECFMG Certified USMLE Step 1, Step 2 and Step 3 Hi, I'm Muddasir Shafiq, M.D., a medical graduate from Quaid-e-Azam Medical College, Pakistan, and a neurology match...

 is a certified tutorGreen Apple award Green Apple award, certified, joined us 2 months ago

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How to Start a Career as a College Lecturer

Most people would think about working in the corporate world or the public sector when they step out of college. Then, others would prefer to share their expertise and want to start their journey. If you’re more like the latter, more...

Matt Horwich's testimonial

Matt Horwich

  • I like TutorZ because as soon as I get a notification, I purchase the lead for as little as two dollars. Within minutes I have made a call or sent a direct email. I usually set up a first session for that week....sometimes that very same day! Now let's start studying....

by Matt Horwich, Cleveland, OH

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